AD7641: 18-Bit, 2 MSPS SAR ADC
AD7641是一款18位、2 MSPS、电荷再分配SAR型、全差分模数转换器(ADC),采用2.5 V单电源供电。该器件内置一个18位高速采样ADC、一个内部转换时钟、一个内部基准电压源缓冲、纠错电路,以及串行和并行系统接口端口。它具有一种极高采样速率模式(Warp模式)和一种快速模式(正常模式),后者适用于异步转换速率应用。AD7641经过出厂硬件校准和全面测试,可确保除一般直流参数(增益、偏置和线性度)之外,诸如信噪比(SNR)和总谐波失真(THD)等交流参数也合乎要求。工作温度范围为−40°C至+85°C。
The AD7641 is a 18-bit, 2 MSPS, charge redistribution SAR, fully differential analog-to-digital converter that operates from a single 2.5 V power supply. The part contains a high-speed 18-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock, an internal reference buffer, error correction circuits, and both serial and parallel system interface ports. It features a very high sampling rate mode (Warp) and a fast mode (Normal) for asynchronous conversion rate applications.
The AD7641 is hardware factory calibrated and comprehensively tested to ensure ac parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and total harmonic distortion (THD) in addition to the more traditional dc parameters of gain, offset and linearity.Operation is specified from −40°C to +85°C.
AD7641 特点
- 18位分辨率、无失码
- 2.5 V低漂移内部基准电压
- 吞吐量: 2 MSPS(Warp模式) ;1.5 MSPS(正常模式)
- 差分输入范围: ± VREF(VREF 最高为2.5 V)
- 积分非线性(INL):典型值±2 LSB
- 无流水线延迟(SAR架构)
- 并行(18位、16位或8位总线)
- 串行5 V/3.3 V/2.5 V接口
- 片内低漂移基准电压,带有缓冲区和温度传感器
- 18-bit resolution with no missing codes
- 2.5 V internal low drift reference
- Throughput: 2 MSPS (Warp mode) ;1.5 MSPS (Normal mode)
- Differential input range: ± VREF(VREF up to 2.5 V)
- INL: ±2 LSB typical
- No pipeline delay ( SAR architecture )
- Parallel (18-, 16-, or 8-bit bus)
- Serial 5 V/3.3 V/2.5 V interface
- SPI®/QSPI™/MICROWIRE™/DSP compatible
- On-board low drift reference with buffer and temperature sensor
AD7641 技术指标
- Resolution (Bits): 18bit
- # Chan: 1
- Sample Rate: 2MSPS
- Interface: Byte,Par,Ser,SPI
- Analog Input Type: Diff-Bip
- Ain Range: (2Vref) p-p
- ADC Architecture: SAR
- Pkg Type: CSP,QFP
AD7641 应用领域
- 医疗仪器
- 高动态数据采集
- 仪器仪表
- 频谱分析
- 自动测试设备
- Medical instruments
- High dynamic data acquisition
- Instrumentation
- Spectrum analysis
AD7641 建议配套产品
- Recommended Driver Amplifiers for the AD7641
- For low noise, high gain bandwidth, we suggest the AD8021, ADA4899-1 or the dual AD8022, ADA4899-2.
- For low bias current, low frequency, we recommend the AD8610.
- For single-ended to differential driver applications, we recommend AD8139 or the ADA4930-1.
- For a fully differential attenuating precision amplifier, we recommend the AD8475.
- For low noise, low distortion, low power, we recommend the ADA4841-1.
- Recommended External Voltage References for the AD7641
- For low noise, low temperature drift, we recommend the ADR421, ADR431 or the AD780.
- For low power, we suggest the ADR291.
- For lowest cost, we suggest the AD1582.
- For external reference buffer, we recommend the AD8031 or the AD8032.
- Recommended Power Solutions
- For selecting voltage regulator products, use ADIsimPower.
- For selecting supervisor products, use the Supervisor Parametric Search.
AD7641 功能框图

AD7641 产品选型
产品型号 |
产品状态 |
封装 |
Pins |
(1000 pcs.) |
AD7641BCPZ |
Prodn |
48 ld LFCSP 7x7mm (5.25EP) |
48 |
$ 33.35 |
Prodn |
48 ld LFCSP 7x7mm (5.25EP) |
48 |
$ 33.35 |
AD7641BSTZ |
Prodn |
48 ld LQFP |
48 |
$ 33.35 |
Prodn |
48 ld LQFP |
48 |
$ 33.35 |
Prodn |
48 |
$ 151.80 |
AD7641 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- AD7641 数据手册DataSheet下载 .PDF
- Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
- ADC模数转换器选型指南 .PDF