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AD7484:14位3 MSPS SAR ADC

AD7484是一款14位高速、低功耗逐次逼近型ADC,配有一个并行接口,最高呑吐量可达3 MSPS。该器件内置一个低噪声、宽带宽采样-保持放大器,可处理40 MHz以上的输入频率。转换过程是一种专有的逐次逼近算法技术,因此无流水线延迟。输入信号采样以及转换启动均在CONVST信号的下降沿进行。转换过程通过内部调整振荡器进行控制。接口则通过标准并行信号线实现,使该器件可与微控制器和DSP直接兼容。AD7484具有出色的交流和直流性能规格。工厂调整技术为高直流精度提供了保障,成就了极低的INL、偏移量和增益误差。该器件采用先进的设计技术,可在高呑吐量的情况下实现极低的功耗。正常工作模式下的功耗为90 mW。提供两种省电模式:一种是睡眠模式,使基准电路保持激活状态,以便快速上电启动,这种模式下的功耗为2.5 mW;另一种是待机模式,功耗仅为10 µW。

AD7484采用一个2.5 V的片内基准电压,也可采用2.5 V的外部基准电压源。模拟输入范围为0 V至2.5 V,但通过偏移功能可将输入范围偏置±200 mV,这为用户设置信号范围的底端基准点带来了极大的灵活度,使用单电源运算放大器时也非常有用。另外,AD7484还可通过第15位提供8%的超量程能力。因而,如果模拟输入范围偏离标称范围不超过8%,用户仍然可以通过第15位精确表示信号。AD7484的电源电压为4.75 V至5.25 V,同时提供一个VDRIVE引脚,用户可用该引脚设置数字接口线的电平,此VDRIVE引脚的工作电压范围为2.7 V至5.25 V。该器件采用48引脚LQFP封装,额定工作温度范围为-40°C至+85°C。

The AD7484 is a 14-bit high speed, low power, successive-approximation ADC. The part operates from a single 5 V power supply and features throughput rates up to 3 MSPS. The part contains a low-noise, wide bandwidth track/hold amplifier that can handle input frequencies in excess of 50 MHz.

The conversion process and data acquisition are controlled by a CONVST signal. Interfacing is via standard signal lines allowing the device to interface with microprocessors or DSPs. The input signal is sampled on the falling edge of CONVST, and conversion is also initiated at this point. There are no pipeline delays associated with the part.

The AD7484 uses advanced design techniques to achieve very low power dissipation at high throughput rates. With a +5 V supply and 3 MSPS throughput rate, the AD7484 consumes just 18 mA. Two power saving modes are available on the AD7484: a nap mode that keeps the reference circuitry alive for quick power up times while only consuming 5 mW and a standby mode which reduces power consumption to a mere 5 µW.

The normal analog input range for the part is 0 to 2.5 V. However, the AD7484 features a full-scale overrange mode (using a 15th bit) allowing the input signal to accurately resolved up to ±8% of positive or negative full-scale. The AD7484 also allows for system offset removal by providing a user-programmable offset register that allows offsets as much as ±200 mV to be removed. The AD7484 has an onboard 2.5 V reference and also accepts an external reference.

AD7484 特点
AD7484 技术指标
AD7484 功能框图
AD7484 功能框图

AD7484 芯片订购指南
产品型号 封装 引脚 温度范围 包装和数量 报价*(100-499) 报价*1000 pcs RoHS
AD7484BSTZ 产品状态: 量产 48 ld LQFP 48 商业 Tray, 250 $ 14.29 $ 12.14
EVAL-AD7484CBZ 产品状态: 量产 评估板 -   1 $ 151.80 $ 151.80
AD7484 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD7484 数据手册DataSheet下载 .PDF
  2. Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
  3. ADC模数转换器选型指南 . PDF