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AD7324: 软件可选的真双极性输入、4通道、12位(带符号位)A/D转换器

AD7324是一款4通道、12位带符号位的1 MSPS逐次逼近型ADC。该ADC配有一个高速串行接口,最高呑吐量可达1 MSPS。AD7324可处理真双极性模拟输入信号。AD7324可处理真双极性模拟输入信号。通过对片上范围寄存器编程,可借助软件来选择双极性范围。双极输入范围包括: ± 10V、 ± 5V和 ± 2.5V三种。AD7324还可处理0至10V的单极性输入范围,同样可通过软件选择。每个模拟输入通道均支持独立编程,通过设定范围寄存器中的相应位即可设为四个输入范围之一。模拟输入通道可配置为单端、全差分或伪差分三种模式之一。模拟输入则通过专门的控制寄存器位进行配置。AD7324含有一个通道序列器,可在各模拟输入通道间实现自动转换。这款ADC内置一个2.5V的基准电压,也可采用外部基准。如果在REFIN/OUT引脚上施加3V外部基准电压,该ADC则可处理± 12V真双极性模拟输入范围。对于该± 12V输入范围,需采用最低± 12V的VDD和VSS电源。

The AD7324 is a 4-Channel,12-Bit Plus Sign,1 MSPS Successive Approximation ADC. The ADC has a high speed serial interface that can operate at throughput rates up to 1 MSPS. The AD7324 can handle True Bipolar Analog input signals. The Bipolar ranges are software selectable by programming the on board Range Register. Bipolar input ranges include ± 10V, ± 5V, ± 2.5V. The AD7324 can also handle a 0 to 10 V uniploar input range, which is also software selectable. Each analog input channel can be independently programmed to one of the input ranges by setting the appropriate bits in the Range Register. The Analog Input Channels can be configured as Single-Ended, Fully Differential or Pseudo Differential. Dedicated Control Register bits are used to configure the Analog inputs. The 24 contains a Channel Sequencer, allowing automatic conversions between each analog input channel. The ADC contains a 2.5V Internal reference. The AD7324 also allows for external Reference operation. If a 3V external reference is applied to the REFIN/OUT pin, the ADC can handle a True Bipolar ± 12 V Analog input range. Minimum VDD and VSS supplies of ± 12V are required for this ± 12 V input range.

AD7324 特点
AD7324 技术指标
AD7324 建议配套产品
AD7324 功能框图

AD7324 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 Pins 报价*
(1000 pcs.)
AD7324BRUZ Prodn 16 ld TSSOP 16 $ 5.75
AD7324BRUZ-REEL Prodn 16 ld TSSOP 16 $ 5.75
AD7324BRUZ-REEL7 Prodn 16 ld TSSOP 16 $ 5.75
AD7324 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD7324 数据手册DataSheet下载 .PDF
  2. Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
  3. ADC模数转换器选型指南 .PDF