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AD7612:  16位、750 kSPS、单极性/双极性可编程输入 PulSAR® ADC


The AD7612 is a 16-bit charge redistribution successive approximation register (SAR), architecture analog-to-digital converter (ADC) fabricated on Analog Devices, Inc.'s iCMOS high voltage process. The device is configured through hardware or via a dedicated write only serial configuration port for input range and operating mode. The AD7612 contains a high speed 16-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock, an internal reference (and buffer), error correction circuits, and both serial and parallel system interface ports. A falling edge on CNVST samples the analog input on IN+ with respect to a ground sense, IN–. The AD7612 features four different analog input ranges and three different sampling modes: warp mode for the fastest throughput, normal mode for the fastest asynchronous throughput, and impulse mode where power consumption is scaled linearly with throughput. Operation is specified from −40°C to +85°C.

AD7612 特点
AD7612 技术指标
AD7612 亮点
  1. 可编程输入范围和模式选择,可通过引脚或串行端口选择输入范围/模式。
  2. 高吞吐量。Warp模式下,AD7612的吞吐量为750 kSPS。
  3. 出色的线性度,16位无失码,积分非线性 (INL) 最大值为±1.5 LSB。
  4. 内部基准电压。采用5 V内部基准电压,典型漂移量为±3 ppm/°C,带有片内温度传感器。
  5. 串行或并行接口,多功能并行(16位或8位总线)或双线串行接口配置,3.3 V或5 V逻辑兼容。
AD7612 应用领域
AD7612 建议配套产品
AD7612 功能框图

AD7612 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 Pins 报价*
(1000 pcs.)
AD7612BCPZ Prodn 48 ld LFCSP 7x7mm (5.25EP) 48 $ 29.45
AD7612BCPZ-RL Prodn 48 ld LFCSP 7x7mm (5.25EP) 48 $ 29.45
AD7612BSTZ Prodn 48 ld LQFP 48 $ 29.45
AD7612BSTZ-RL Prodn 48 ld LQFP 48 $ 29.45
AD7612 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD7612 数据手册DataSheet下载 .PDF
  2. Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
  3. ADC模数转换器选型指南 .PDF