The OP-37 provides the same high performance as the OP-27, but the design is optimized for circuits with gains greater than five. This design change increases slew rate to 17V/usec and gain-bandwidth product to 63MHz.
The OP-37 provides the low offset and drift of the OP-07 plus higher speed and lower noise. Offsets down to 25uV and drift of 0.6uV/°C maximum make the OP-37 ideal for precision instrumentation applications. Exceptionally low noise (en=3.5nV/Hz at 10Hz), a low 1/f noise corner frequency of 2.7Hz, and the high gain of 1.8 million, allow accurate high-gain amplification of low-level signals.
The low input bias current of ±10nA and offset current of 7nA are achieved by using a bias-current-cancellation circuit. Over the military temperature range this typically holds IB and IOS to ±20nA and 15nA respectively.
The output stage has good load driving capability. A guaranteed swing of ±10V into 600 Ohm and low output distortion make the OP-37 an excellent choice for professional audio applications
OP37 功能框图
-3dB Bandwidth | 12MHz | Vcc-Vee Supply (V) | 8 to 44 |
Slew Rate | 17V/us | Iq per Amplifier | 5.67mA |
Vos | 30uV | # OpAmps per Pkg | 1 |
Ib | 15nA | Operating Temp Range | -40 to +85 |
Input Noise (nV/rtHz) | 3.2nV/rtHz | Packages | DIP,SOIC |
产品型号 | 产品状态 | 封装 | 引脚 | 温度范围 |
OP37EP | 量产 | 8 ld PDIP | 8 | 工业 |
OP37EPZ | 量产 | 8 ld PDIP | 8 | 工业 |
OP37EZ | 量产 | CERDIP GLASS SEAL | 8 | 工业 |
OP37GP | 量产 | 8 ld PDIP | 8 | 工业 |
OP37GPZ | 量产 | 8 ld PDIP | 8 | 工业 |
OP37GS | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
OP37GS-REEL | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
OP37GS-REEL7 | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
OP37GSZ | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
OP37GSZ-REEL | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
OP37GSZ-REEL7 | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
EVAL-PRAOPAMP: Universal Precision Op Amp Evaluation Board
产品型号 | 产品状态 | 封装 | 引脚 | 温度范围 |
EVAL-PRAOPAMP-1KSZ | 量产 | 评估板 | 商业 | |
EVAL-PRAOPAMP-1RJZ | 量产 | 评估板 | 商业 | |
EVAL-PRAOPAMP-1RMZ | 量产 | 评估板 | 商业 | |
EVAL-PRAOPAMP-1RZ | 量产 | 评估板 | 商业 | |
EVAL-PRAOPAMP-2RMZ | 量产 | 评估板 | 商业 | |
EVAL-PRAOPAMP-2RZ | 量产 | 评估板 | 商业 | |
EVAL-PRAOPAMP-4RUZ | 量产 | 评估板 | 商业 | |
EVAL-PRAOPAMP-4RZ | 量产 | 评估板 | 商业 |