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ADM825RYKS-R7: Supervisory Circuit with Watchdog and Manual Reset in 5-Lead SC70 and SOT-23

The ADM823/ADM824/ADM825 are supervisory circuits that monitor power supply voltage levels and code execution integrity in microprocessor-based systems. In addition to providing power-on reset signals, an on-chip watchdog timer can reset the microprocessor if it fails to strobe within a preset timeout period. A reset signal can also be asserted by an external push-button, through a manual reset input. The three parts feature different combinations of watchdog input, manual reset input, and output stage configuration, as shown in Table 1.

These parts are available in a choice of seven reset threshold options ranging from 2.19 V to 4.63 V. The reset and watchdog timeout periods are fixed at 140 ms (minimum) and 1.6 sec (typical), respectively.

The ADM823/ADM824/ADM825 are available in 5-lead SC70 and SOT-23 packages and typically consume only 5 μA, making them suitable for use in low power, portable applications.

产品应用领域 Applications
ADM825RYKS-R7 特点
ADM825RYKS-R7 功能框图

ADM825 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
ADM825LYKS-R7 量产 5 ld SC70 5 工业
ADM825LYRJ-R7 量产 5 ld SOT-23 5 工业
ADM825LYRJZ-R7 量产 5 ld SOT-23 5 工业
ADM825MYKS-R7 量产 5 ld SC70 5 工业
ADM825MYRJ-R7 量产 5 ld SOT-23 5 工业
ADM825RYKS-R7 量产 5 ld SC70 5 工业
ADM825RYRJ-R7 量产 5 ld SOT-23 5 工业
ADM825RYRJZ-R7 量产 5 工业
ADM825SYKSZ-R7 量产 5 ld SC70 5 工业
ADM825SYRJ-R7 量产 5 ld SOT-23 5 工业
ADM825SYRJZ-R7 量产 5 ld SOT-23 5 工业
ADM825TYKSZ-R7 量产 5 ld SC70 5 工业
ADM825TYRJ-R7 量产 5 ld SOT-23 5 工业
ADM825TYRJZ-R7 量产 5 ld SOT-23 5 工业
ADM825YYKS-R7 量产 5 ld SC70 5 工业
ADM825ZYKSZ-R7 量产 5 ld SC70 5 工业
ADM825RYKS-R7 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. ADM825 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
  2. ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
  3. Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
  4. 电压监测及序列分析
  5. 40年的模拟领导不为电源管理IC