The AD8387 DecDriver provides a fast, 12 bit, latched, decimating dual digital input, which drives twelve high voltage outputs. Twelve-bit input words are loaded into twelve separate high speed, bipolar DACs sequentially. Flexible digital input format allows more than one AD8387 to be used in parallel for higher resolution displays. The output signal can be adjusted for dc reference, signal inversion, and contrast for maximum flexibility.
The AD8387 dissipates TBD W nominal static power. The AD8387 is offered in an 80-lead TQFP E-pad package and operates over the commercial temperature range of 0°C to +85°C.
产品型号 | 产品状态 | 封装 | 引脚 | 温度范围 |
AD8387-EB | 量产 | 评估板 | - | 商业 |
AD8387JSVZ | 量产 | 80 ld TQFP with exposed pad | 80 | 商业 |