EVAL-ADM1070EB: - 48 V Hot Swap Controller in SOT-23 with Linear Current Limiting
The ADM1070 -48 V hot swap controller is designed for central office applications. The space-saving SOT-23 package occupies just 25% of the board area of an 8 pin SOIC solution. The device utilizes a linear current control method and protects the supply from in-rush currents (board insertion) and short circuits (board failure). The ADM1070 also provides protection during voltage steps associated with card re-seating. It current limits under all conditions.
产品应用领域 Applications
- Central Office Switching
- -48 V Distributed Power Systems
- Negative Power Supply Control
- Allows safe board insertion and removal from a live -48V backplane
- Operates from a typical -36V to -80V
- Tolerates transients up to -200V (limited by external components)
- Accurate programmable linear current limit for inrush control
- Programmable time-out in current limit
- Auto-restart after current limit time-out
- Shutdown after 7 consecutive auto-restarts
- Default timing provided with no osc cap
- Single pin under/overvoltage detection
- Programmable under/overvoltage time filter
- Small 6-pin SOT-23 package
EVAL-ADM1070EB 功能框图

ADM1070 芯片订购指南
EVAL-ADM1070EB 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- ADM1070 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
- ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
- Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
- 热插拨及电源监控器广告( pdf, 306kb)
- 电源监控器与时序控制器. PDF