The ADV3003 is a 4-channel transition minimized differential signaling (TMDS) buffer featuring equalized inputs and pre-emphasized outputs. The ADV3003 features 50 Ohm input and output terminations, providing full-swing output signal recovery and minimizing reflections for improved system signal integrity. The ADV3003 is targeted at HDMITM/DVI applications and is ideal for use in systems with long cable runs, long PCB traces, and designs with interior cabling.
The ADV3003 is provided in a 40-lead, LFCSP, surface-mount, RoHS-compliant, plastic package and is specified to operate over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range.
- Supports data rates up to 2.25 Gbps, enabling 1080p deep color (12-bit color) HDMI formats and greater than UXGA (1600 × 1200) DVI resolutions.
- The 12 dB input cable equalizer enables the use of long cables at the input. For a typical 24 AWG cable, the ADV3003 compensates for more than 20 meters at data rates up to 2.25 Gbps.
- The selectable 6 dB of output pre-emphasis allows the ADV3003 to drive high loss output cables or long PCB traces.
- Matched 50 Ohm on-chip input and output terminations improve system signal integrity.
- An external control pin, PE_EN, sets the output pre-emphasis to either 0 dB or 6 dB.
- An external control pin, TX_EN, simultaneously disables both the transmitter and the on-chip input terminations. This feature reduces the power dissipation of the ADV3003 and indicates to a connected source when the ADV3003 is disabled.
产品应用领域 Applications
- Multiple input displays
- Advanced television set (HDTV) front panel connectors
- HDMI/DVI cable extenders
ADV3003-EVALZ 特点
- Single-supply operation (3.3 V)
- Standards compliant: HDMI receiver, DVI
- 40-lead, 6 mm × 6 mm, RoHS-compliant LFCSP
Enables HDMI 1.3 receive-compliant input
- Four TMDS channels per input/output
- Supports 250 Mbps to 2.25 Gbps data rates
- Supports 25 MHz to 225 MHz pixel clocks
- Fully buffered unidirectional inputs/outputs
- Pre-emphasized outputs
- Matched 50 Ohm input and output on-chip terminations
- Equalized inputs for operation with long HDMI cables (20 meters at 2.25 Gbps)
- Low added jitter
- Transmitter disable feature
Reduces power dissipation
Disables input terminations
- One input, one output HDMI/DVI high speed signal equalizer/driver
ADV3003-EVALZ 功能框图

ADV3003 芯片订购指南
ADV3003-EVALZ 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- ADV3003 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
- ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
- Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF