ADM707ARZ: Low Cost Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit
The ADM705/ADM706/ADM707/ADM708 are low cost microprocessor supervisory circuits. They are suitable for monitoring the 5 V power supply/battery and can also monitor microprocessor activity.
The ADM705/ADM706 provide the following functions:
- Power-on reset output during power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions. The RESET output remains operational with VCC as low as 1 V.
- Independent watchdog timeout, WDO, that goes low if the watchdog input has not been toggled within 1.6 seconds.
- A 1.25 V threshold detector for power-fail warning, low battery detection, or to monitor a power supply other than 5 V.
- An active low debounced manual reset input (MR).
The ADM707/ADM708 differ in that
- A watchdog timer function is not available.
- An active high reset output is available in addition to the active low output.
Two supply voltage monitor levels are available. The ADM705/ADM707 generate a reset when the supply voltage falls below 4.65 V, while the ADM706/ADM708 require that the supply fall below 4.40 V before a reset is issued.
All parts are available in 8-lead PDIP (N-8) and SOIC (R-8) packages, with the ADM708 also available in an MSOP (RM-8) package.
产品应用领域 Applications
- Microprocessor systems
- Computers
- Controllers
- Intelligent instruments
- Automotive systems
- Critical microprocessor supply monitoring
ADM707ARZ 特点
- Guaranteed RESET valid with VCC = 1 V
- 190 μA quiescent current
- Precision supply voltage monitor
4.65 V (ADM705/ADM707)
4.40 V (ADM706/ADM708)
- 200 ms reset pulse width
- Debounced TTL/CMOS manual reset input (MR)
- Independent watchdog timer (ADM705/ADM706)
- 1.6 sec timeout (ADM705/ADM706)
- Active high reset output (ADM707/ADM708)
- Voltage monitor for power-fail or low battery warning
- Superior upgrade for MAX705 to MAX708
ADM707ARZ 功能框图

ADM707 芯片订购指南
ADM707ARZ 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- ADM707 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
- ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
- Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
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