ADM1066ACPZ-REEL: Super Sequencer(R) with Margining Control and Auxiliary ADC Inputs
The ADM1066 Super Sequencer(R) is a configurable supervisory/ sequencing device that offers a single-chip solution for supply monitoring and sequencing in multiple-supply systems. In addition to these functions, the ADM1066 integrates a 12-bit ADC and six 8-bit voltage output DACs. These circuits can be used to implement a closed-loop margining system that enables supply adjustment by altering either the feedback node or reference of a dc-to-dc converter using the DAC outputs.
Supply margining can be performed with a minimum of external components. The margining loop can be used for in-circuit testing of a board during production (for example, to verify board functionality at -5% of nominal supplies), or it can be used dynamically to accurately control the output voltage of a dc-to-dc converter.
产品应用领域 Applications
- Central office systems
- Servers/routers
- Multivoltage system line cards
- DSP/FPGA supply sequencing
- In-circuit testing of margined supplies
- Complete supervisory and sequencing solution for up to 10 supplies
- 10 supply fault detectors enable supervision of supplies to
<0.5% accuracy at all voltages at 25°C
<1.0 % accuracy across all voltages and temperatures
- 5 selectable input attenuators allow supervision of
Supplies up to 14.4 V on VH
Supplies up to 6 V on VP1 to VP4 (VPn)
- 5 dual-function inputs, VX1 to VX5 (VXn)
High impedance input to supply fault detector with thresholds between 0.573 V and 1.375 V
General-purpose logic input
- Complete voltage-margining solution for 6 voltage rails
10 programmable output drivers (PDO1 to PDO10)
- Open collector with external pull-up
- Push/pull output, driven to VDDCAP or VPn
- Open collector with weak pull-up to VDDCAP or VPn
- Internally charge-pumped high drive for use with external N-FET (PDO1 to PDO6 only)
- 6 voltage output 8-bit DACs (0.300 V to 1.551 V) allow voltage adjustment via dc-to-dc converter trim/feedback node
- 12-bit ADC for readback of all supervised voltages
- 2 auxiliary (single-ended) ADC inputs
- Reference input (REFIN) has 2 input options
Driven directly from 2.048 V (±0.25%) REFOUT pin
More accurate external reference for improved ADC performance
- Device powered by the highest of VPn, VH for improved redundancy
Sequencing engine (SE) implements state machine control of PDO outputs
- State changes conditional on input events
- Enables complex control of boards
- Power-up and power-down sequence control
- Fault event handling
- Interrupt generation on warnings
- Watchdog function can be integrated in SE
- Program software control of sequencing through SMBus

ADM1066 芯片订购指南
ADM1066ACPZ-REEL 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- ADM1066 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
- ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
- Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
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