ADDAC85: Complete Low Cost Hybrid 12-Bit D/A Converter, -25 to +85°C
The ADDAC80 Series is a family of low cost 12-bit digital-to-analog converters with both a high stability voltage reference and output amplifier combined on a single monolithic chip. The ADDAC80 Series is recommended for all low cost 12-bit D/A converter applications where reliability and cost are of paramount importance.
ADDAC85 特点
- Single Chip Construction
- On-Board Output Amplifier
- Low Power Dissipation: 300mW
- Monotonicity Guaranteed over Temperature
- Improved Replacement for Standard DAC80, DAC800 HI-5680
- High Stability, High Current Output
- Buried Zener Reference
- Laser Trimmed to High Accuracy
- 1/2 LSB Max Nonlinearity
- Low Cost Plastic Packaging
ADDAC85 功能框图

ADDAC85 芯片订购指南
ADDAC85 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- ADDAC85 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
- ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
- Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF