AD7997: 内置I2C兼容接口的8通道、10位ADC,采用20引脚TSSOP封装
AD7997是一款8通道、10位、高速、低功耗、逐次逼近型ADC,采用2.7 V至5.5 V单电源供电,转换时间为2微秒(us)。该器件内置8通道多路复用器和采样保持放大器。
The AD7997 is an 8 channel, 10-bit, high speed, low power, successive-approximation ADC. The part operates from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V power supply and features a conversion time of 2 us. The part contains an eight channel multiplexer and track/hold amplifier.
The AD7997 provides a two-wire serial interface, which is compatible with I^2C interfaces. The part come in two versions, AD7997-0 and AD7997-1. Each version allows for a minimum of two different I^2C addresses. The I^2C interface on the AD7997-0 supports Standard and Fast I^2C Interface Modes. The I^2C Interface on the AD7997-1 supports Standard, Fast and two High-Speed I^2C Interface Modes.
AD7997 特点
- 10-Bit ADC with Fast Conversion Time: 2 us
- Eight Single-Ended Analog Input Channels
- Specified for VDD of 2.7 V to 5.5 V
- Low Power Consumption
- Fast Throughput Rate: - 188 kSPS
- Sequencer Operation
- Automatic Cycle Mode
- I^2C(R) Compatible Serial Interface
- I^2C(R) Interface supports:
- Standard, Fast, and High-Speed Modes
- Out of Range Indicator
- Pin-Selectable Addressing via AS
- Automatic Shutdown Mode: - 1 uA max
- 10位ADC,具有快速转换时间:2 us
- 8个单端模拟输入通道
- 额定电压(VDD):2.7 V至5.5 V
- 低功耗
- 高吞吐量:188 kSPS
- 序列器操作
- 自动循环模式
- I^2C(R)兼容型串行接口
- I^2C(R)接口支持:标准、快速及高速模式
- 超量程指示
- 可通过AS引脚选择寻址
- 自动关断模式:最大1 uA
AD7997 技术指标
- Resolution (Bits): 10bit
- # Chan: 8
- Sample Rate: 79kSPS
- Interface: I^2C/Ser 2-Wire,Ser
- Analog Input Type: SE-Uni
- Ain Range: Uni (Vref)
- ADC Architecture: SAR
- Pkg Type: SOP
AD7997 建议配套产品
- Recommended Input Buffer Amplifiers for the AD7997
- For low distortion, low noise, dual supplies, we recommend the AD8599.
- For precision, low noise, single supply, we recommend the AD8605 family of operational amplifiers.
- For single supply, high speed, low power, we suggest the AD8031 or the dual AD8032.
- For precision, high speed, low cost, we recommend the quad AD8604.
- Recommended External References - 2.5V for the AD7997
- For applications requiring best accuracy, low noise, low drift, we recommend the ADR421 or AD780.
- For low noise, high output current applications, we recommend the ADR431.
- For wide supply applications, we recommend the ADR03 or AD780.
- For cost sensitive applications, we suggest the AD1582, ADR381 or ADR391.
- For the reference buffer amplifier, we recommend the AD8605.
- For applications requiring 2.048V to 4.096V, we recommend the REF191 reference family.
- Recommended Digital Isolators for the AD7997
- Recommended Power Solutions
- For selecting voltage regulator products, use ADIsimPower.
- For selecting supervisor products, use the Supervisor Parametric Search.
AD7997 功能框图

AD7997 芯片订购指南
AD7997 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- AD7997 数据手册DataSheet下载 .PDF
- Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
- ADC模数转换器选型指南 . PDF