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STM32F103C4 ARM的32位微控制器与16/32 KB的闪存,USB接口,CAN总线,6个定时器,2通道ADC,6通信接口

This datasheet provides the ordering information and mechanical device characteristics of the STM32F103x4 and STM32F103x6 low-density performance line microcontrollers. For more details on the whole STMicroelectronics STM32F103xx family, please refer to Section 2.2: Full compatibility throughout the family.

The low-density STM32F103xx datasheet should be read in conjunction with the low-, medium- and high-density STM32F10xxx reference manual. The reference and Flash programming manuals are both available from the STMicroelectronics website www.st.com.

For information on the Cortex?-M3 core please refer to the Cortex?-M3 Technical Reference Manual, available from the www.arm.com website at the following address: http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0337e/.

Reference Part number
STM32F103x4 STM32F103C4, STM32F103R4, STM32F103T4
STM32F103x6 STM32F103C6, STM32F103R6, STM32F103T6
STM32F103C4 订购型号:
Ordering Model Package RoHS Compliance Grade Marketing Status Pin Count Program Memory Type Internal ROM Size Internal RAM Size A/D Converter 12 or 16-bit timer (IC/OC/PWM) Other timer functions Serial Interface I/Os (High Current) Supply Voltage(Vcc) Supply Voltage(Vcc) Packing Type ESample Flag
nom nom nom min max
kB B V V
STM32F103C4T6A LQFP 48 7x7x1.4 1 Ecopack2 (**) Active 48 FLASH 16 6144 10x12-bit 3x16-bit 2 x WDG, RTC, 24-bit down counter 1xSPI/1xI2C/5xUSART/USB/CAN 36 2 3.6 Tray Yes
STM32F103C4 特征:
STM32F103C4 技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. STM32F103C4 数据资料DataSheet下载.PDF
  2. 相关产品选型(Excel 文档格式选型 Excel 文档格式)
  3. STM32 选型指南
  4. 《技术手册》STM32技术参考手册部分章节.PDF
  5. 意法半导体应用支持 . PDF
  6. 先进半导体解决方案的门电子
  7. 电机控制参考指南
  8. 32位汽车微控制器底盘和安全应用
  9. 汽车的32位闪存微控制器汽车车身应用. PDF
  10. 汽车的32位闪存微控制器为群集应用程序. PDF
  11. 周围半导体机顶盒应用. PDF
  12. STM32开发工具. PDF
  13. STM32,STR7和STR9开发工具 . PDF
  14. 8 ,16和32位微控制器产品和工具选择指南. PDF
  15. 电机控制选型指南. PDF