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STM1816 低功耗复位电路

STM181x devices are low power reset devices used to monitor power supplies for microcontrollers. They perform a single function: asserting a reset signal whenever VCC supply voltage drops below a preset value and keeping it asserted until VCC has risen above the preset threshold for a minimum period of time (trec). They provide excellent circuit reliability without additional external components when used with +3.0 V / +3.3 V (STM1815–STM1818), and +5 V (STM1810–STM1813) power supply systems.

A precision voltage reference and comparator monitors the VCC input for an out-of-tolerance condition. When an invalid VCC condition occurs, the reset output (RST) is forced low (or highin the case of RST) and remains asserted for trec after VCC rises above the reset threshold. The STM1813/1818 also keep reset asserted for trec after the output is momentarily pulled to ground by an external push-button switch.

The STM1812 and STM1817 have an active-high, push-pull output. The STM1810 and STM1815 (push-pull) and STM1811, STM1813, STM1816, and STM1818 (Open Drain) have an active-low RST output. The open drain devices (STM1811/STM1813/STM1816/STM1818) also have an internal pull-up resistor to VCC. The STM1813 and STM1818 feature a debounced manual reset feature that asserts a reset if the RST pin is pulled low for more than 1.5 μs. When used to initiate manual reset, RST debounces signals from devices such as mechanical switches. For devices with this feature, the release of the external switch triggers the reset period.

The STM181x devices are guaranteed to output the correct logic state for VCC down to 1.0 V (0 °C to +105 °C). They also provide a reset comparator designed to ignore fast transients on VCC.

Reset thresholds are available between +2.55 V and +4.62 V. These small, low power devices are ideal for use in portable equipment. All are available in the space-saving 3-pin SOT23 package, and are specified from –40 °C to +105 °C. Figure 4 shows a typical hardware hookup for STM181x devices to a Microcontroller.

STM1816 订购型号
Ordering Model Package RoHS
typ min max
V °C °C
STM1816RWX7F SOT 23 3 LDS Ecopack2 2.55 -40 105
STM1816SWX7F SOT 23 3 LDS Ecopack2 2.88 -40 105
STM1816TWX7F SOT 23 3 LDS Ecopack2 3.06 -40 105
STM1816 特性:
STM1816 技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. STM1816 数据手册DataSheet下载.PDF
  2. 相关产品选型(Excel 文档格式选型 Excel 文档格式)
  3. 复位IC选型指南
  4. 工业和电源转换IC. PDF
  5. 高电压的DC - DC和AC - DC转换器模块. PDF
  6. 微处理器监督员和复位芯片. PDF
  7. 电机控制参考指南. PDF
  8. 电机控制选型指南. PDF
  9. 电源管理:线性和开关稳压器及电压参考. PDF
  10. 意法半导体应用支持. PDF
  11. 汽车级半导体器件. PDF
  12. 周围半导体机顶盒应用. PDF