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ST10R272LT1 16位微控制器TQFP-100封装

16-bit low voltage ROMless MCU with MAC

ST10R272LT1 概述

ST10R272L architecture combines the advantages of both RISC and CISC processors with an advanced peripheral subsystem. The following block diagram overviews the different onchip components and the internal bus structure.

The main core of the CPU contains a 4-stage instruction pipeline, a MAC multiplyaccumulation unit, a separate multiply and divide unit, a bit-mask generator and a barrel shifter. Most instructions can be executed in one machine cycle requiring 40ns at 50MHz CPU clock.

The CPU includes an actual register context consisting of 16 wordwide GPRs physically located in the on-chip RAM area. A Context Pointer (CP) register determines the base address of the active register bank to be accessed by the CPU. The number of register banks is only restricted by the available internal RAM space. For easy parameter passing, one register bank may overlap others.

A system stack of up to 1024 bytes is provided as a storage for temporary data. The system stack is allocated in the on-chip RAM area, and it is accessed by the CPU via the stack pointer (SP) register. Two separate SFRs, STKOV and STKUN, are compared against the stack pointer value during each stack access to detect stack overflow or underflow.

ST10R272LT1 特性:
ST10R272LT1 订购型号:
  1. ST10R272LT1
  2. ST10R272LT6
ST10R272LT1 技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. ST10R272L 数据手册 DataSheet 下载.pdf
  2. ST10 16位微控制器选型参数
  3. 手册和产品指南.pdf
  4. 8、16、32位微控制器.pdf
  5. 意法半导体应用支持 . PDF
  6. 先进半导体解决方案的门电子
  7. 电机控制参考指南
  8. 周围半导体机顶盒应用. PDF
  9. STM32,STR7和STR9开发工具 . PDF
  10. 8 ,16和32位微控制器产品和工具选择指南. PDF
  11. 电机控制选型指南. PDF