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S3C6410 SAMSUNG 三星ARM微处理器

From smartphones to personal navigation devices, the Samsung ARM 1176 based S3C6410 Mobile Application Processor supports the requirements of a broad array of applications. The S3C6410 is both pin and software compatible with other members of its family - the S3C6400 and S3C6430 application processors. Taking advantage of the performance scalability of these processor platforms, the S3C6410 offers advanced mobile design capabilities with a fast time-to-market by replacing either existing application processor and reusing the hardware and software design resources already invested. S3C6410_Block Diagram

3D Hardware Accelerator enables faster graphics performance at lower power consumption Application processors introduced before the Samsung S3C6410 did not leverage the full capabilities of 3D hardware accelerators. The S3C6410 processor features a built-in, state-of-the-art 3D, 4M triangles/sec hardware accelerator with OpenGL ES 1.1/ 2.0 and D3DM API support. Products incorporating this hardware accelerator in the S3C6410 enjoy the following advantages: Additional S3C6410 Advantages High-quality video playback is fast becoming a must-have feature for smartphones, portable media players, GPS navigation units, and TV-enabled mobile devices. The S3C6410 provides a cost-effective, low power, high-performance solution for portable designs:

S3C6410 是基于16/32-bit RISC内核的低成本、低功耗、高性能微处理器解决方案,用于移动电话和通用应用。为了给2.5G和3G业务提供最佳的硬件性能,S3C6410 采用64/32-bit内部总线架构,内部集成了多个功能强大的硬件加速器,如移动图象处理、显示控制和图像缩放。集成多格式编解码器(MFC)支持MPEG4/H.263、H.264编解码和VC1解码。硬件编码器/解码器支持实时视频会议及NTSC和PAL格式的TV输出。此外,S3C6410 包含高级3D图形加速器,三角形生成率为4M/s,带OpenGL ES1.1/2.0,D3DM API接口。

S3C6410 有极佳的外部存储器接口能力,可以满足高端通信业务的带宽要求。存储器系统有两个DRAM和Flash/ROM外部存储器端口,可以并行访问。DRAM端口能配置为移动DDR或标准SDRAM。Flash/ROM端口支持NAND-Flash、NOR-Flash、OneNAND、CF和ROM类型外部存储器。

为消减系统总成本和增强总体功能,S3C6410 集成了许多硬件外设,如Camera接口、TFT-24bit真彩色LCD控制器、电源等系统管理、4通道UART、32通道DMA、4通道定时器、通用I/O端口、IIS、IIC总线接口、USB Host、USB OTG(480Mbps)、3通道 SD/MMC Host控制器及时钟生成PLL。采用90nm COMS工艺,低功耗、简洁、精美且全静态设计使得S3C6410 非常适合对成本、功耗敏感的应用。

S3C6410 基于ARM1176JZF-S内核。包括分立的16KB指令和16KB数据Cache,16KB指令和数据TCM。还包括一个完全的MMU来处理虚拟存储管理。ARM1176JZF-S是一款单芯片MCU,支持JAVA加速,有一个专用的矢量浮点协处理器能高效执行各种加密运算及高品质3D图形应用。S3C6410 采用de-facto标准AMBA总线结构。这些强大的工业级特性使S3C6410 可以支持许多工业标准的操作系统。


S3C6410 主要特征:
S3C6410 订购型号
S3C6410 技术支持