The X40231,X40233,X40235,X40237,X40239 family of Integrated System Management ICs combine CPU Supervisor functions (VCC Power-onpower-on Reset (POR) circuitry, two additional programmable voltage monitor inputs with software and hardware indicators), integrated EEPROM with Block LockTM protection and one or two Intersil Digitally Controlled Potentiometers (xDCP). All functions of the X4023x are accessed by an industry standard 2-Wire serial interface.
X40231 特点
- Triple Voltage Monitors
- User Programmable Threshold Voltage
- Power-on Reset (POR) Circuitry
- Software Selectable Reset timeout
- Manual Reset Input
- 2-Wire industry standard Serial Interface
- 2 kbit EEPROM with Write Protect & Block LockTM
- Digitally Controlled Potentiometers (DCP)
- Total Resistance 256 Tap = 100kΩ, 100 Tap or 64 Tap = 10kΩ
- Nonvolatile wiper position
- Write Protect Function
- Single Supply Operation
- 16 Pin SOIC (300) package
X40231 应用
- The DCP of the X4023x may be utilized to software control analog voltages for:
- LCD contrast, LCD purity, or Backlight control.
- Power Supply settings such as PWM frequency, Voltage Trimming or Margining (temperature offset control).
- Reference voltage setting (e.g. DDR-SDRAM SSTL-2) The 2 kbit integrated EEPROM may be used to store ID, manufacturer data, maintenance data and module definition data.
- The programmable POR circuit insures VCC is stable before RESET is removed and protects against brown-outs and power failures. The programmable voltage monitors have on-chip independent reference alarm levels. With separate outputs, the voltage monitors can be used for power-on sequencing.
X40231 芯片订购指南
X40231 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- X40231 数据资料 datatSheet 下载.PDF
- Power 电源管理器件产品选型指南 . pdf