The ISL6504 and ISL6504A complement other power building blocks (voltage regulators) in ACPI-compliant designs for microprocessor and computer applications. The IC integrates three linear controllers/regulators, switching, monitoring and control functions into a 16-pin wide-body SOIC or 20-pin QFN 6x6 package. The ISL6504, ISL6504A operating mode (active outputs or sleep outputs) is selectable through two digital control pins, S3 and S5.
One linear controller generates the 3.3VDUAL/3.3VSB voltage plane from the ATX supply's 5VSB output, powering the south bridge and the PCI slots through an external NPN pass transistor during sleep states (S3, S4/S5). In active state (during S0 and S1/S2), the 3.3VDUAL/3.3VSB linear regulator uses an external N-channel pass MOSFET to connect the outputs directly to the 3.3V input supplied by an ATX power supply, for minimal losses. A controller powers up the 5VDUAL
plane by switching in the ATX 5V output through an NMOS transistor in active states, or by switching in the ATX 5VSB through a PMOS (or PNP) transistor in S3 sleep state. In S4/S5 sleep states, the ISL6504 5VDUAL output is shut down. In the ISL6504A, the 5VDUAL output stays on during S4/S5 sleep states. This is the only difference between the two parts; see Table 1.
An internal linear regulator supplies the 1.2V for the voltage identification circuitry (VID) only during active states (S0 and S1/S2), and uses the 3V3 pin as input source for its internal pass element. Another internal regulator outputs a 1.5VSB chip-set standby supply, which uses the 3V3DL pin as input source for its internal pass element. The 3.3VDUAL/3.3VSB and 1.5VSB outputs are active for as long as the ATX 5VSB voltage is applied to the chip.
芯片型号 | 产品状态 | 温度范围 | 封装尺寸图 | 潮湿敏感度等级MSL | 美元价格US $ |
ISL6504CBZ | 量产 | 民用级 | 16 Ld SOIC | 3 | 1.69 |
ISL6504CBZ-T | 量产 | 民用级 | 16 Ld SOIC T+R | 3 | 1.69 |
ISL6504CBNZ | Coming Soon | 民用级 | 16 Ld SOIC | 3 | 价格录入中 |
ISL6504CBNZ-T | Coming Soon | 民用级 | 16 Ld SOIC T+R | 3 | 价格录入中 |
ISL6504CRZ | Coming Soon | 民用级 | 20 Ld QFN | 3 | 价格录入中 |
ISL6504CRZ-T | Coming Soon | 民用级 | 20 Ld QFN T+R | 3 | 价格录入中 |
ISL6504EVAL1 | Coming Soon | 评估板 | N/A | 价格录入中 | |
ISL6504EVAL2 | Coming Soon | 评估板 | N/A | 价格录入中 | |
ISL6504CB | 停产 | 民用级 | 16 Ld SOIC | 1 | N/A |
ISL6504CB-T | 停产 | 民用级 | 16 Ld SOIC T+R | 1 | N/A |
ISL6504CBN | 停产 | 民用级 | 16 Ld SOIC | 1 | N/A |
ISL6504CBN-T | 停产 | 民用级 | 16 Ld SOIC T+R | 1 | N/A |
ISL6504CR | 停产 | 民用级 | 20 Ld QFN | 1 | N/A |
ISL6504CR-T | 停产 | 民用级 | 20 Ld QFN T+R | 1 | N/A |