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The ISL6401 adjustable frequency, low power, pulse width modulating (PWM) current mode controller is designed for a wide range of DC-DC conversion applications including boost, flyback, and isolated output configurations. The device is optimized to provide a high performance, low-cost solution for Ringing SLIC (RSLIC) ring and talk power supplies. An integrated inverter allows for easy design of negative voltage regulation circuits with a minimal amount of external components. Internal soft start minimizes start-up stress without any external components. Peak current mode control effectively handles Ring trip transients and provides inherent over-current protection.

This advanced BiCMOS design features low operating current, adjustable operating output frequency (50kHz to 600kHz), internal soft-start and a SYNC input that allows the oscillator to be locked to an external clock for noise sensitive applications. DC-DC conversion efficiency is optimized by use of a low current sense voltage. A logic level shutdown input is included, which reduces supply current to 55uA in the shutdown mode.

ISL6401 特点
ISL6401 应用
ISL6401 芯片订购指南
芯片型号 产品状态 温度范围 封装尺寸图 潮湿敏感度等级MSL 美元价格US $
ISL6401CB 量产 工业级 14 Ld SOIC 1 3.69
ISL6401CB-T 量产 工业级 14 Ld SOIC T +R 1 3.69
ISL6401CBZ 量产 工业级 14 Ld SOIC 3 3.08
ISL6401CBZ-T 量产 工业级 14 Ld SOIC T +R 3 3.08
ISL6401CRZ 量产 工业级 16 Ld QFN 3 3.08
ISL6401CRZ-T 量产 工业级 16 Ld QFN T +R 3 3.08
ISL6401EVAL1Z 量产 评估板 N/A 价格录入中
ISL6401CR 停产 工业级 16 Ld QFN 1 N/A
ISL6401EVAL1 停产 评估板 N/A N/A
ISL6401CR-T To Be Discontinued 工业级 16 Ld QFN T +R 1 3.08
ISL6401 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. ISL6401 数据资料 datatSheet 下载.PDF
  2. Power 电源管理器件产品选型指南 . pdf