ISL55141, ISL55142, ISL55143 integrated circuits are high-speed, wide input common-mode range comparators. They provide three-state window comparators in a high voltage CMOS process (18V). Each comparator has dual receive thresholds, CVA and CVB, for establishing minimum 1-VIH and maximum 0-VIL voltage levels. These devices can accept inputs from a number of logic families, such as TTL, ECL, CMOS, LVCMOS, LVDS and CML. Two bits of output per comparator provide the test controller with qualification of a comparator input into three states. The two output bits work with a separate user supply to establish VOH, VOL levels compatibility with the system’s controller logic levels.
Fast propagation delay (9.5ns typical at ±50mV overdrive) makes this family compatible with high-speed digital test systems. The 18V range enables the comparator input to operate over a wide input range. Two references per input enable and three state digitization of input with voltage swings of up to 13V common mode. The operating frequency of these devices is typically 65MHz.
High voltage CMOS process makes these devices ideal for large voltage swing applications, such as special test voltages levels associated with Flash devices or power supervision applications and may avoid the need for test bus isolation relay(s).
芯片型号 | 产品状态 | 温度范围 | 封装尺寸图 | 潮湿敏感度等级MSL | 美元价格US $ |
ISL55142IRZ | 量产 | 工业级 | 20 Ld QFN | 2 | 1.47 |
ISL55142IRZ-T | 量产 | 工业级 | 20 Ld QFN T+R | 2 | 1.51 |
ISL55142IVZ | 量产 | 工业级 | 20 Ld TSSOP | 3 | 1.46 |
ISL55142IVZ-T | 量产 | 工业级 | 20 Ld TSSOP T+R | 3 | 1.50 |
ISL55142IVZEVAL1Z | 量产 | 评估板 | N/A | 价格录入中 |