The EL7232 3-state drivers are particularly well suited for ATE and microprocessor based applications. The low quiescent power dissipation makes this part attractive in battery applications. The 2A peak drive capability, makes the EL7232 an excellent choice when driving high speed capacitive lines, as well. The input circuitry provides level shifting from TTL levels to the supply rails. The EL7232 is available in 8 Ld PDIP and 8 Ld SO packages
芯片型号 | 产品状态 | 温度范围 | 封装尺寸图 | 潮湿敏感度等级MSL | 美元价格US $ |
EL7232CN | 量产 | 工业级 | 8 Ld PDIP | N/A | 2.88 |
EL7232CNZ | 量产 | 工业级 | 8 Ld PDIP | N/A | 2.4 |
EL7232CSZ | 量产 | 工业级 | 8 Ld SOIC | 3 | 2.4 |
EL7232CSZ-T13 | 量产 | 工业级 | 8 Ld SOIC T +R | 3 | 2.52 |
EL7232CSZ-T7 | 量产 | 工业级 | 8 Ld SOIC T +R | 3 | 2.52 |
EL7232CS | 停产 | 工业级 | 8 Ld SOIC | 1 | N/A |
EL7232CS-T7 | To Be Discontinued | 工业级 | 8 Ld SOIC T +R | 1 | 2.52 |