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MCF5249LPV120:集成式ColdFire V2微处理器

MCF5249LPV120 微处理器为常用的V2 ColdFire内核实现了新的性能水平,在频率为120MHz的情况下其性能超过了125 (Dhrystone 2.1) MIPS;为ColdFire器件实现了最低的功耗(1.3mW/MHz)。这款高集成度的微处理器采用了广泛使用的ColdFire外设组合,并添加了新的音频增强和模拟功能以及增强型乘法累加单元(eMAC)、大型片上存储器(96K SRAM、8K I-缓存)和SDRAM控制器。MCF5249LPV120 器件是下列应用的理想之选:需要为文件管理、数据缓冲和用户界面进行大量控制处理的应用,以及各种主要市场(如安全、游戏、医疗和数字音频)上需要进行信号处理的应用。高集成度、高性能和低功耗组合可以通过利用高质量软件模块、轻松的代码重用和广泛的第三方工具支持实现快速的面市。

The MCF5249LPV120 microprocessor delivers a new level of performance on the popular Version 2 ColdFire core with over 125 (Dhrystone 2.1) MIPS @ 120MHz and the lowest ever power consumption (1.3mW/MHz) on a ColdFire device. This highly integrated microprocessor builds upon the widely used ColdFire peripheral mix by adding new audio enhancements and analog functionality, in addition to an enhanced Multiply Accumulate Unit (eMAC), large on-chip memory (96K SRAM, 8K I-Cache), and a SDRAM controller. The device is ideal for applications requiring significant control processing for file management, data buffering, and user interface, as well as signal processing in a variety of key markets such as security, gaming, medical, and digital audio. This leading package of integration, high performance, and low power consumption allows fast time to market through access to high quality software modules, easy code reuse, and extensive third party tool support.


MCF5249LPV120 相关订购型号
  1. MCF5249LPV120:144pin LQFP 封装
MCF5249LPV120 技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载