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OP484S: Aerospace Precision, Rail-to-Rail Input & Output Operational Amplifier

The OP484 is a quad single-supply, 4 MHz bandwidth amplifier featuring rail-to-rail inputs and outputs. It will operate from +3 to +36 (or ±1.5 to ±18) volts and will function with a single supply as low as +1.5 volts.

This amplifier is superb for single supply applications requiring both AC and precision DC performance. The combination of bandwidth, low noise and precision makes the OP484 useful in a wide variety of applications, including filters and instrumentation.

Other applications for this amplifier includes portable telecom equipment, power supply control and protection, and as amplifiers or buffers for transducers with wide output ranges. Sensors requiring a rail-to-rail input amplifier include Hall effect, piezo electric, and resistive transducers.

The ability to swing rail-to-rail at both the input and output enables designers to build multistage filters in single-supply systems and to maintain high signal-to-noise ratios.

OP484S 特点
OP484S 功能框图

OP484S 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
5962-0051701VCA 量产 CERDIP GLASS SEAL 14 军用
5962-0051701VDA 量产 CER. FLATPACK WITH LEADS 14 军用
5962R0051701VCA 量产 CERDIP GLASS SEAL 14 军用
5962R0051701VDA 量产 CER. FLATPACK WITH LEADS 14 军用
OP484-000C 量产 CHIPS OR DIE - 军用
OP484R000C 量产 CHIPS OR DIE - 军用
OP484S 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
  2. Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF