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ADSP-BF538:  用于工业和外设密集型应用的Blackfin处理器

The Blackfin® Processor family has been expanded to address the ever-increasing need for more connection possibilities with two new family members. This connectivity is coupled with the high performance 16-/32-bit Blackfin embedded processor core, the flexible cache architecture, the enhanced DMA subsystem, and the Dynamic Power Management (DPM) functionality. System designers can take advantage of the combined control and signal processing capabilities of the processor core across a wide range of end applications through code compatibility of these new family members with existing Blackfin offerings.

The ADSP-BF538 is a functional extension of the popular ADSP-BF533 processor, and is ideally suited for applications with multiple device connections. The ADSP-BF538 offers equivalent embedded memory and is well suited for applications such as video security/surveillance and industrial-environment-based distributed control/factory automation applications. Ideally suited for a broad range of industrial, instrumentation and medical appliance applications-allowing for broad connection possibilities coupled with a mix of control and signal processing needs based on the end product.

Designed as an Integrated System In addition to the embedded connectivity of CAN, the ADSP-BF538 processors include a variety of general purpose functions designed to minimize external IC count and offer broad control and communication. Peripherals include three SPI®-compatible ports, three UARTs, four SPORT ports, three multifunction timers, 54 general-purpose I/Os, dual Two-Wire Interface for I²C operation, a real-time clock, a watchdog timer, an event controller, and a JTAG/debug interface. The flexible Parallel Peripheral Interface (PPI) offers a direct connection to a variety of video encoders/ decoders, display drivers, image sensors, and general-purpose converters.

Blackfin®处理器系列已经得到了进一步的扩充(增加了两款新器件),以满足更多连接可能性的不断提升的需求。当与高性能16/32位Blackfin嵌入式处理器内核、灵活的高速缓存架构、增强型DMA子系统和动态电源管理(DPM)功能一道使用时,该连接能力将发挥强大的作用。系统设计工程师可以通过现有Blackfin产品凭借这些新款系列成员的引脚扩展性和代码兼容性来在众多的终端应用中对处理器内核的组合式控制和信号处理能力加以利用。ADSP-BF538是通用型ADSP-BF533处理器的功能扩展版本,非常适合用于具备多个设备连接的应用。ADSP-BF538具备容量相等的嵌入式存储器,非常适合用于诸如视频安全/监控和基于工业环境的分布式控制/工厂自动化等应用。该器件是工业、仪器仪表和医疗器械应用的理想选择,可以依据终端产品所需的不同控制和信号处理能力提供各种可能的连接。设计成集成式系统 除嵌入式CAM连接能力之外,ADSP-BF538处理器还包含专为最大限度地降低外部IC数并提供较强的控制和通信能力而设计的大量通用功能。外设包括三个SPI®兼容端口、三个UART、四个SPORT端口、三个多功能定时器、54个通用I/O、用于I2C工作的双两线式接口、一个实时时钟、一个看门狗定时器、一个事件控制器和一个JTAG/调试接口。灵活的并行外设接口(PPI)可实现与各种视频编码器/解码器、显示器驱动器、图像传感器和通用转换器的直接连接。

ADSP-BF538 特点
ADSP-BF538 技术指标
ADSP-BF538 市场与应用
ADSP-BF538 功能框图

ADSP-BF538 型号选项

产品型号 封装 引脚 温度范围 包装和数量 报价*(100-499) 报价*1000 pcs RoHS
ADSP-BF538BBCZ-4A 产品状态: 量产 CHIP SCALE BGA 316 工业 Tray, 90 $ 16.87 $ 16.03
ADSP-BF538BBCZ-5A 产品状态: 量产 CHIP SCALE BGA 316 工业 Tray, 90 $ 17.14 $ 16.28

ADSP-BF538 评估版和开发套件

Model Package Pins Temp. Range Packing, Qty Price*(100-499) Price*1000 pcs RoHS
ADZS-BF538F-EZLITE Status: Production Evaluation Boards - Comm. 1 $450.00 $450.00 Yes
ADSP-BF538 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. ADSP-BF538 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
  2. ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
  3. Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
  4. Blackfin 处理器编程手册 .pdf(Rev 1.3)
  5. ADSP-BF538 硬件使用手册 .pdf(Rev 0.1)