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ADR425ARMZ-REEL7: Ultraprecision, Low Noise, 5.00 V XFET(R) Voltage Reference

The ADR42x are a series of ultraprecision, second generation eXtra implanted junction FET (XFET) voltage references featuring low noise, high accuracy, and excellent long-term stability in SOIC and MSOP footprints.

Patented temperature drift curvature correction technique and XFET technology minimize nonlinearity of the voltage change with temperature. The XFET architecture offers superior accuracy and thermal hysteresis to the band gap references. It also operates at lower power and lower supply headroom than the buried Zener references.

The superb noise and the stable and accurate characteristics of the ADR42x make them ideal for precision conversion applications such as optical networks and medical equipment. The ADR42x trim terminal can also be used to adjust the out-put voltage over a ±0.5% range without compromising any other performance. The ADR42x series voltage references offer two electrical grades and are specified over the extended industrial temperature range of -40°C to +125°C. Devices have 8-lead SOIC or 30% smaller, 8-lead MSOP packages.

产品应用领域 Applications

ADR425 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
ADR425AR 量产 8 ld SOIC 8 工业
ADR425AR-REEL7 量产 8 ld SOIC 8 工业
ADR425ARM 量产 8 ld MSOP 8 工业
ADR425ARM-REEL7 量产 8 ld MSOP 8 工业
ADR425ARMZ 量产 8 ld MSOP 8 工业
ADR425ARMZ-REEL7 量产 8 ld MSOP 8 工业
ADR425ARZ 量产 8 ld SOIC 8 工业
ADR425ARZ-REEL7 量产 8 ld SOIC 8 工业
ADR425BR 量产 8 ld SOIC 8 工业
ADR425BR-REEL7 量产 8 ld SOIC 8 工业
ADR425BRZ 量产 8 ld SOIC 8 工业
ADR425BRZ-REEL7 量产 8 ld SOIC 8 工业
ADR425ARMZ-REEL7 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. ADR425 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
  2. ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
  3. Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF