The ADM803 supervisory circuit monitors the power supply voltage in microprocessor systems. It provides a reset output during power-up, power-down and brownout conditions. On power-up, an internal timer holds reset asserted for 240ms. This holds the microprocessor in a reset state until conditions have stabilized. The reset output remains operational with VCC as low as 1V. The ADM803 provides an active-low reset signal RESET, and has an open-drain output stage which requires an external pull-up resistor.
Seven reset threshold options are available. The reset comparator features built-in glitch immunity, making it immune to fast transients on VCC.
The ADM803 is available in 3-lead SC70 and consumes only 17uA, making it suitable for low power portable equipment.
产品型号 | 产品状态 | 封装 | 引脚 | 温度范围 |
ADM803LAKS-REEL | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803LAKS-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803LAKSZ-REEL | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803LAKSZ-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803MAKS-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803MAKSZ-REEL | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803MAKSZ-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803RAKS-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803RAKSZ-REEL | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803RAKSZ-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803SAKS-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803SAKSZ-REEL | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803SAKSZ-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803TAKS-REEL | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803TAKS-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803TAKSZ-REEL | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803TAKSZ-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803ZAKS-REEL | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803ZAKS-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803ZAKSZ-REEL | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |
ADM803ZAKSZ-REEL7 | 量产 | 3 ld SC70 | 3 | 工业 |