AD8385: 10-Bit, 12-Channel Decimating LCD DECDRIVER(R) with Level Shifters
The AD8385 provides a fast, 10-bit, latched decimating digital input that drives 12 high voltage outputs. 10-bit input words are loaded into 12 separate high speed, bipolar DACs sequentially. Flexible digital input format allows several AD8385s to be used in parallel in high resolution displays. The output signal can be adjusted for dc reference, signal inversion, and contrast for maximum flexibility. Integrated level shifters convert timing signals from a 3 V timing controller to high voltage for LCD panel timing inputs. Two, serial, 8-bit DACs are integrated to provide dc reference signals. A 3-wire serial interface controls overload protection, output mode, and the serial DACs.
AD8385 特点
- High voltage drive to within 1.3 V of supply rails
- Output short-circuit protection
- High update rates
Fast, 100 Ms/s 10-bit input data update rate
- Static power dissipation: 1.84 W
Voltage controlled video reference (brightness), offset, and full-scale (contrast) output levels
- INV bit reverses polarity of video signal
- 3.3 V logic, 9 V to 18 V analog supplies
Level shifters for panel timing signals
- High accuracy voltage outputs
Laser trimming eliminates the need for adjustments or calibration
- Flexible logic
STSQ/XFR allow parallel AD8385 operation
- Fast settling into capacitive loads
30 ns settling time to 0.25% into 150 pF load
Slew rate 460 V/us
- Available in 100-lead 14 mm x 14 mm TQFP E-pad
AD8385 功能框图