The AD830 is a wideband, differencing amplifier designed for use at video frequencies but also useful in many other applications. It accurately amplifies a fully differential signal at the input and produces an ouput voltage referred to a user-chosen level. The undesired common-mode signal is rejected, even at high frequencies. High impedance input ease interfacing to finite source impedances and thus preserve the excellent common-mode rejection. In many respects, it offers significant improvements over discrete difference amplifier approaches, in particular in high frequency common-mode rejection.
The wide common-mode and differential-voltage range of the AD830 make it particularly useful and flexible in level shifting applications, but at lower power dissipation than discrete solutions. Low distortion is preserved over the many possible differential and common-mode voltages at the input and output.
Good gain flatness and excellent differential gain of 0.06% and phase of 0.08° make the AD830 suitable for many video system applications. Furthermore, the AD830 is suited for general purpose signal processing from dc to 10 MHz.
产品型号 | 产品状态 | 封装 | 引脚 | 温度范围 |
5962-9313001MPA | 量产 | 8 ld CerDIP | 8 | 军用 |
AD830AN | 量产 | 8 ld PDIP | 8 | 工业 |
AD830ANZ | 量产 | 8 ld PDIP | 8 | 工业 |
AD830AR | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
AD830AR-REEL | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
AD830AR-REEL7 | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
AD830ARZ | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
AD830ARZ-REEL | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
AD830ARZ-REEL7 | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 工业 |
AD830JR | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 商业 |
AD830JR-REEL | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 商业 |
AD830JR-REEL7 | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 商业 |
AD830JRZ | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 商业 |
AD830JRZ-R7 | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 商业 |
AD830JRZ-RL | 量产 | 8 ld SOIC | 8 | 商业 |