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AD7828: High Speed , 8-Channel, 8-Bit CMOS ADC

The AD7824 and AD7828 are high-speed, multichannel, 8-bit ADCs with a choice of 4 (AD7824) or 8 (AD7828) multiplexed analog inputs. A half-flash conversion technique gives a fast conversion rate of 2.5 us per channel and the parts have a built-in track/hold function capable of digitizing full-scale signals of 10 kHz (157 mV/us slew rate) on all channels. The AD7824 and AD7828 operate from a single +5 V supply and have an analog input range of 0 V to +5 V, using an external +5 V reference.

Microprocessor interfacing of the parts is simple, using standard Chip Select (CS) and Read (RD) signals to initiate the conversion and read the data from the three-state data outputs. The half-flash conversion technique means that there is no need to generate a clock signal for the ADC. The AD7824 and AD7828 can be interfaced easily to most popular microprocessors.

The AD7824 and AD7828 are fabricated in an advanced, all ion-implanted, Linear-Compatible CMOS process (LC2MOS) and have low power dissipation of 40 mW (typ). The AD7824 is available in a 0.3" wide, 24-pin "skinny" DIP, while the AD7828 is available in a 0.6" wide, 28-pin DIP and in 28- terminal surface mount packages.

AD7828 特点
AD7828 功能框图

AD7828 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
5962-8876403XX 量产 CERDIP GLASS SEAL 28 军用
5962-88764043A 量产 LCC:CER LEADLESS CHIP CARR 28 军用
5962-8876404XX 量产 CERDIP GLASS SEAL 28 军用
AD7828BR 量产 28 ld SOIC - Wide 28 工业
AD7828BR-REEL 量产 28 ld SOIC - Wide 28 工业
AD7828BRZ 量产 28 ld SOIC - Wide 28 工业
AD7828BRZ-REEL 量产 28 ld SOIC - Wide 28 工业
AD7828KN 量产 28 ld PDIP 28 商业
AD7828KNZ 量产 28 ld PDIP 28 商业
AD7828KP 量产 28 ld PLCC 28 商业
AD7828KP-REEL 量产 28 ld PLCC 28 商业
AD7828KPZ 量产 28 ld PLCC 28 商业
AD7828KPZ-REEL 量产 28 ld PLCC 28 商业
AD7828LN 量产 28 ld PDIP 28 商业
AD7828LNZ 量产 28 ld PDIP 28 商业
AD7828LP 量产 28 ld PLCC 28 商业
AD7828LPZ 量产 28 ld PLCC 28 商业
AD7828LPZ-REEL 量产 28 ld PLCC 28 商业
AD7828LRS 量产 28 ld SSOP 28 商业
AD7828LRS-REEL 量产 28 ld SSOP 28 商业
AD7828LRSZ 量产 28 ld SSOP 28 商业
AD7828 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD7828 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
  2. ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
  3. Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF