The AD7824 and AD7828 are high-speed, multichannel, 8-bit ADCs with a choice of 4 (AD7824) or 8 (AD7828) multiplexed analog inputs. A half-flash conversion technique gives a fast conversion rate of 2.5 us per channel and the parts have a built-in track/hold function capable of digitizing full-scale signals of 10 kHz (157 mV/us slew rate) on all channels. The AD7824 and AD7828 operate from a single +5 V supply and have an analog input range of 0 V to +5 V, using an external +5 V reference.
Microprocessor interfacing of the parts is simple, using standard Chip Select (CS) and Read (RD) signals to initiate the conversion and read the data from the three-state data outputs. The half-flash conversion technique means that there is no need to generate a clock signal for the ADC. The AD7824 and AD7828 can be interfaced easily to most popular microprocessors.
The AD7824 and AD7828 are fabricated in an advanced, all ion-implanted, Linear-Compatible CMOS process (LC2MOS) and have low power dissipation of 40 mW (typ). The AD7824 is available in a 0.3" wide, 24-pin "skinny" DIP, while the AD7828 is available in a 0.6" wide, 28-pin DIP and in 28- terminal surface mount packages.
产品型号 | 产品状态 | 封装 | 引脚 | 温度范围 |
5962-8876403XX | 量产 | CERDIP GLASS SEAL | 28 | 军用 |
5962-88764043A | 量产 | LCC:CER LEADLESS CHIP CARR | 28 | 军用 |
5962-8876404XX | 量产 | CERDIP GLASS SEAL | 28 | 军用 |
AD7828BQ | 量产 | CERDIP GLASS SEAL | 28 | 工业 |
AD7828BR | 量产 | 28 ld SOIC - Wide | 28 | 工业 |
AD7828BR-REEL | 量产 | 28 ld SOIC - Wide | 28 | 工业 |
AD7828BRZ | 量产 | 28 ld SOIC - Wide | 28 | 工业 |
AD7828BRZ-REEL | 量产 | 28 ld SOIC - Wide | 28 | 工业 |
AD7828CQ | 量产 | CERDIP GLASS SEAL | 28 | 工业 |
AD7828KN | 量产 | 28 ld PDIP | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828KNZ | 量产 | 28 ld PDIP | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828KP | 量产 | 28 ld PLCC | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828KP-REEL | 量产 | 28 ld PLCC | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828KPZ | 量产 | 28 ld PLCC | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828KPZ-REEL | 量产 | 28 ld PLCC | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828LN | 量产 | 28 ld PDIP | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828LNZ | 量产 | 28 ld PDIP | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828LP | 量产 | 28 ld PLCC | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828LPZ | 量产 | 28 ld PLCC | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828LPZ-REEL | 量产 | 28 ld PLCC | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828LRS | 量产 | 28 ld SSOP | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828LRS-REEL | 量产 | 28 ld SSOP | 28 | 商业 |
AD7828LRSZ | 量产 | 28 ld SSOP | 28 | 商业 |