AD7766: 24-Bit, 8.5 mW, 109 dB, 128/64/32 kSPS ADCs
AD7766是一款24-bit高性能的过采样模数转换器,其将宽动态范围和内置FIR滤波器的宽输入带宽结合在一起,同时最大功耗仅为20 mW,采用16引脚TSSOP封装。
AD7766可提供24-bit的分辨率和高信噪比(SNR),适合在宽动态范围内测量微小的信号变化,专用于超低功耗的数据采样。AD7766的这种特性在许多在大交流(AC)或直流(DC)信号上测量微小变化的数据采集应用中非常重要。此外,AD7766可提供出色的DC精度和漂移指标,适合需要采集DC数据的应用。AD7766提高了SNR性能,并且通过过采样简化了抗混叠要求,过采样在最大程度减小ADC输入的失真。随后的高性能内置FIR滤波器对过采样数据滤波并且去除带外噪声。其SYNC/PD(同步/关断)引脚是一项附加特性,简化了多器件的同步。该器件工作温度范围为-40℃+105℃。结合宽动态范围、高性噪比、在125 kSPS的极低功耗,AD7766可为基于PCI或USB的系统提供完整的解决方案。
AD7766 特点
- Oversampled successive approximation (SAR) architecture
- High performance ac and dc accuracy, low power
115.5 dB dynamic range, 32 kSPS (AD7766-2)
112.5 dB dynamic range, 64 kSPS (AD7766-1)
109.5 dB dynamic range, 128 kSPS (AD7766)
−112 dB THD
- Exceptionally low power
8.5 mW, 32 kSPS (AD7766-2)
10.5 mW, 64 kSPS (AD7766-1)
15 mW, 128 kSPS (AD7766)
- High dc accuracy
24-bits, no missing codes (NMC)
INL: ±6 ppm (typical), ±15 ppm (maximum)
- Low temperature drift
Zero error drift: 15 nV/°C
Gain error drift: 0.0075% FS
- On-chip low-pass FIR filter
Linear phase response
Pass-band ripple: ±0.005 dB
Stop-band attenuation: 100 dB
- 2.5 V supply with 1.8 V/2.5 V/3 V/3.6 V logic interface options
- Flexible interfacing options
Synchronization of multiple devices
Daisy chain capability
- Power-down function
- Temperature range: −40°C to +105°C
AD7766 技术指标
- Resolution (Bits): 24bit
- # Chan: 1
- Sample Rate: 128kSPS
- Interface: Ser
- Analog Input Type: Diff-Uni
- Ain Range: (2Vref) p-p
- ADC Architecture: SAR
- Pkg Type: SOP
AD7766 功能框图

AD7766 建议配套产品
- Recommended Voltage References for the AD7766
- Recommended Driver Amplifiers for the AD7766
- When driving from a fully differential source, we recommend the ADA4841-1 or the AD8475.
- When driving from a single-ended source, we recommend the ADA4941-1.
- Recommended Voltage Regulator for the AD7766
- Recommended Power Solutions
- For selecting voltage regulator products, use ADIsimPower.
- For selecting supervisor products, use the Supervisor Parametric Search.
AD7766 应用领域
- 低功耗PCI或USB数据采样系统
- 低功耗无线采集系统
- 振动分析
- 仪器仪表
AD7766 功能框图
AD7766 芯片订购指南
AD7766 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- AD7766 数据手册DataSheet下载 .PDF
- Analog Devices, Inc.ADI 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF
- ADC模数转换器选型指南 .PDF