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AD73311ARZ-REEL: Single-Channel, 3 V and 5 V Front-End Processor for General Purpose Applications Including Speech and Telephony

The AD73311 and AD73311L are complete front-end processors for general-purpose applications including speech and telephony. They feature a 16-bit A/D conversion channel and a 16-bit D/A conversion channel. Each channel provides 70 dB signal-to-noise ratio over the voiceband signal bandwidth. The AD73311L is a follow-on to the AD73311 with improved on-chip filtering, more sample-rate options and lower cost. The L version operates from 3.0 V only, where as the AD73311 operates from either 3 V or 5 V power supplies.

The gains of the A/D and D/A conversion channels are programmable over 38 dB and 21 dB respectively. An on-chip reference voltage is included to allow single-supply operations. A serial port (SPORT) allows easy interfacing for single or cascaded devices to industry standard DSP engines.

The AD73311 and AD73311L are suitable for a variety of applications in the speech and telephony areas including low-bit rate, high quality compression, speech enhancement, recognition and synthesis. The low group delay characteristic of the part makes it suitable for single or multi-channel active-control applications.

AD73311ARZ-REEL 特点
AD73311ARZ-REEL 功能框图

AD73311 芯片订购指南
产品型号 产品状态 封装 引脚 温度范围
AD73311AR 量产 20 ld SOIC - Wide 20 工业
AD73311AR-REEL 量产 20 ld SOIC - Wide 20 工业
AD73311ARS 量产 20 ld SSOP 20 工业
AD73311ARS-REEL 量产 20 ld SSOP 20 工业
AD73311ARSZ 量产 20 ld SSOP 20 工业
AD73311ARSZ-REEL 量产 20 ld SSOP 20 工业
AD73311ARZ 量产 20 ld SOIC - Wide 20 工业
AD73311ARZ-REEL 量产 20 ld SOIC - Wide 20 工业
AD73311ARZ-REEL 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. AD73311 数据手册DataSheet 下载 . PDF
  2. ADI 模拟器件公司比较器产品选型指南 . PDF
  3. Analog Devices, Inc. 美国模拟器件公司产品订购手册 .PDF