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UCC2305-Q1 汽车类 HID 灯控制器

Control Topology Boost, Flyback
VIN Range(Typ)(V) 5 - 18
Vref tol(%) 2
Frequency(Max)(kHz) 200
UCC2305-Q1 描述

The UCC2305 integrates all of the functions required to control and drive one HID lamp. The UCC2305 is tailored to the demanding, fast turn-on requirements of automobile headlamps, but is also applicable to all other lighting applications where HID lamps are selected. HID lamps are ideal for any lighting applications that can benefit from very high efficiency, blue-white light color, small physical lamp size, and very long life. The UCC2305 contains a complete current mode pulse-width modulator, a lamp power regulator, lamp temperature compensation, and total fault protection. Lamp temperature compensation is critical for automobile headlamps, because without compensation, light output varies dramatically from a cold lamp to one that is fully warmed up.

UCC2305-Q1 特性
UCC2305-Q1 芯片订购指南
器件 状态 温度 (oC) 价格(美元) | Quantity 封装 | 引脚 封装数量 | 封装载体 丝印标记
UCC2305TDWRQ1 ACTIVE -40 to 105 5.75 | 1ku SOIC (DW) | 28 2000 | LARGE T&R UCC2305T
UCC2305-Q1 质量与无铅数据
器件 环保计划* 铅/焊球涂层 MSL 等级/回流焊峰 环保信息与无铅 (Pb-free) DPPM / MTBF / FIT 率
UCC2305TDWRQ1 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR UCC2305TDWRQ1 UCC2305TDWRQ1
UCC2305-Q1 应用技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. UCC2305-Q1 数据资料 dataSheet 下载.PDF
  2. TI 德州仪器照明解决方案产品选型与价格 . xls
  3. 照明和显示屏电源选择指南 (PDF 1427 KB)
  4. 笔记本电脑指南 (Rev. A) (PDF 2774 KB)
  5. 全面认识开关型电源中的BUCK-BOOST功率级 (Rev. A) (PDF 2206 KB)
  6. PowerPADTM Made Easy (PDF 57 KB)
  7. 标准线性产品交叉参考 (Rev. D) (PDF 1058 KB)
  8. 模数规格和性能特性术语表 (Rev. A) (PDF 1993 KB)
  9. 所选封装材料的热学和电学性质 (PDF 645 KB)
  10. 高速数据转换 (PDF 1967 KB)