ST72521R9 8位MCU与32至60K闪存/ ROM,ADC,五定时器的SPI,SCI,I2C接口,CAN接口
The ST72F521 and ST72521B devices are members of the ST7 microcontroller family designed for mid-range applications with a CAN bus interface (Controller Area Network).All devices are based on a common industrystandard 8-bit core, featuring an enhanced instruction set and are available with FLASH or ROM programmemory. Under software control, all devices can be placed in WAIT, SLOW, ACTIVE-HALT or HALT mode,reducing power consumption when the application is in idle or stand-by state.The enhanced instruction set and addressing modes of the ST7 offer both power and flexibility to software developers, enabling the design of highly efficient and compact application code. In addition to standard 8-bit data management, all ST7 microcontrollers feature true bit manipulation, 8x8 unsigned
multiplication and indirect addressing modes.
ST72521R9 产品特点
- Memories
– 32K to 60K dual voltage High Density Flash
(HDFlash) or ROM with read-out protection
capability. In-Application Programming and
In-Circuit Programming for HDFlash devices
– 1K to 2K RAM
– HDFlash endurance: 100 cycles, data retention:20 years at 55°C
- Clock, Reset And Supply Management
– Enhanced low voltage supervisor (LVD) for main supply and auxiliary voltage detector (AVD) with interrupt capability
– Clock sources: crystal/ceramic resonator oscillators,internal RC oscillator and bypass for external clock
– PLL for 2x frequency multiplication
– Four power saving modes: Halt, Active-Halt, Wait and Slow
- Interrupt Management
– Nested interrupt controller
– 14 interrupt vectors plus TRAP and RESET
– Top Level Interrupt (TLI) pin
– 15 external interrupt lines (on 4 vectors)
- Up to 64 I/O Ports
– 48 multifunctional bidirectional I/O lines
– 34 alternate function lines
– 16 high sink outputs
- 5 Timers
– Main Clock Controller with: Real time base,Beep and Clock-out capabilities
– Configurable watchdog timer
– Two 16-bit timers with: 2 input captures, 2 output compares, external clock input on one timer,PWM and pulse generator modes
– 8-bit PWM Auto-Reload timer with: 2 input captures, 4 PWM outputs, output compare and time base interrupt, external clock with event detector
- 4 Communications Interfaces
– SPI synchronous serial interface
– SCI asynchronous serial interface
– I2C multimaster interface (SMbus V1.1 compliant)
– CAN interface (2.0B Passive)
- Analog periperal (low current coupling)
– 10-bit ADC with 16 input robust input ports
- Instruction Set
– 8-bit Data Manipulation
– 63 Basic Instructions
– 17 main Addressing Modes
– 8 x 8 Unsigned Multiply Instruction
- Development Tools
– Full hardware/software development package
– In-Circuit Testing capability
ST72521R9 技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
- ST72521R9 数据手册 DataSheet 下载.pdf
- ST7 微控制器选型指南.pdf
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