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M41T0 ST串行实时时钟

The M41T0 real-time clock is a low power serial real-time clock with a built-in 32.768 kHz oscillator (external crystal controlled). Eight registers are used for the clock/calendar function and are configured in binary coded decimal (BCD) format. Addresses and data are transferred serially via a two-line bidirectional bus. The built-in address register is incremented automatically after each WRITE or READ data byte.

The M41T0 clock operates as a slave device on the serial bus. Access is obtained by implementing a start condition followed by the correct slave address (D0h). The 8 bytes contained in the device can then be accessed sequentially in the following order:

  1. Seconds register
  2. Minutes register
  3. Century/hours register
  4. Day register
  5. Date register
  6. Month register
  7. Years register
  8. Control register
M41T0 订购型号:
Ordering Model Package RoHS Compliance Grade Marketing Status Memory Organization Supply Voltage(Vcc) Supply Voltage(Vcc) General Description Operating Range Packing Type
min max
M41T0M6E SO8 Ecopack1 Active 64b (8 x 8) 2 5.5 SERIAL REAL-TIME CLOCK Industrial Tube
M41T0M6F SO8 Ecopack1 Active 64b (8 x 8) 2 5.5 SERIAL REAL-TIME CLOCK Industrial Tape And Reel
M41T0 产品特性:
M41T0 技术支持与电子电路设计开发资源下载
  1. M41T0 数据手册DataSheet下载.PDF
  2. 相关产品选型(Excel 文档格式选型 Excel 文档格式)
  3. 非易失性RAM产品选择指南 (PDF, 800Kb)
  4. 串行实时时钟选型指南
  5. ST和竞争对手Atmel、Macronix、Holtek、Oki、Winbond的对照 (产品彩页, PDF)
  6. RFID和射频内存产品 . PDF
  7. 提升灵活性与world'sn ° 1 EEPROM的供应商. PDF
  8. 意法半导体应用支持. PDF
  9. 汽车级 半导体器件. PDF
  10. 周围半导体 机顶盒应用. PDF