The CR14 is a contactless coupler that is compliant with the short range ISO14443 type-B standard. It is controlled using the two wire I2C bus.
The CR14 generates a 13.56MHz signal on an external antenna. Transmitted data are modulated using Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK). Received data are demodulated from the PICC (Proximity integrated Coupling Card) load variation signal, induced on the antenna, using Bit Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) of a 847kHz sub-carrier. The Transmitted ASK wave is 10% modulated. The Data transfer rate between the CR14 and the PICC is 106 Kbit/s in both transmission and reception modes.
The CR14 follows the ISO14443 type-B recommendation for Radio frequency power and signal interface.
The CR14 is specifically designed for short range applications that need disposable and reusable products.
The CR14 includes an automated anti-collision mechanism that allows it to detect and select any ST short range memories that are present at the same time within its range. The anticollision mechanism is based on the STMicroelectronics probabilistic scanning method.
The CR14 provides a complete analog interface, compliant with the ISO14443 type-B recommendations for Radio-Frequency power and signal interfacing. With it, any ISO14443 type-B PICC products can be powered and have their data transmission controlled via a simple antenna.
The CR14 is fabricated in STMicroelectronics High Endurance Single Poly-silicon CMOS technology.