地址: 深圳市福田区深南大道7002号财富时代广场A座16N 邮编: 518040 传真: (86-755) 8204 5914 电子邮件: styun@pulsus.co.kr 公司网站: www.pulsus.co.kr
PULSUS Technologies is a leading developer of Digital Pulse Modulation Amplifier (DPMA) technology. PULSUS has introduced the world's first Digital-to-Digital Converter (DDC) chips, which transform PCM (pulse code modulation) audio signal into PWM (pulse width modulation) pulses, enabling it to be "digitally" amplified. The DDC that interfaces directly with digital audio sources such as Blu-ray, DVD players, dramatically reduces size and power requirements for audio amplifier, and at the same time improves sound quality. PULSUS is developing various digital audio solutions for next generation AV systems that will be a heart of "Digital Home".