The X79000 is a family of Single Channel Non-Volatile (NV) Digital-to-Analog Converters with integrated voltage reference, configurable output buffer, general purpose EEPROM, and selectable full scale and zero offset voltages.
The X79000 series implements an SPI serial bus interface with slave address identification allowing up to 32 devices on some options. The full scale and zero scale voltages and the DAC initial value register can be set via the SPI bus interface. Optional pins are provided for Up/Down style interface allowing for increment and decrement of the DAC register in 1, 4, or 16 steps at a time.
A Power-on Recall circuit is implemented to keep the DAC output at high impedance on power-up and to load an initial user defined value from non-volatile memory. A power-up ready signal is provided to alert the system to begin operations.
Additional general purpose non-volatile memory (56 Bytes) is provided for curve-fit profile setting, signal conditioning parameters, or device and system indentification.
芯片型号 | 产品状态 | 温度范围 | 封装尺寸图 | 潮湿敏感度等级MSL | 美元价格US $ |
X79000V20I | 量产 | 工业级 | 20 Ld TSSOP | 1 | 3.12 |
X79000V20IT1 | 量产 | 工业级 | 20 Ld TSSOP T+R | 1 | 3.12 |